
ECEDHA Annual Awards

ECEDHA encourages all members to nominate their outstanding colleagues for one of its prestigious awards. All awards are presented in March each year at the ECEDHA Annual Conference.

ECEDHA Outstanding Leadership and Service Award

This award is given to an individual with a sustained record of leadership and service to ECEDHA (primary) and to electrical and computer engineering (secondary). The institution of the individual recognized  by this award need not be a member of ECEDHA at the time of the award, nor is it necessary for the candidate to have been a department head. Preference will be given to candidates who have made significant contributions to ECEDHA.




ECEDHA Diversity Award

This award is given to department(s) or individual(s) in recognition of proactive efforts to increase cultural, ethnic, and gender diversity within the ECE student body and among ECE faculty, that go well above and beyond the normal institutional recruiting practices. The selection is based primarily on a qualitative evaluation of the diversity initiative as described on the nomination form to recognize and encourage effective outstanding initiatives that lead to greater diversity within ECE programs. The institution associated with the individual or department recognized by this award need not be a member of ECEDHA at the time of the award, nor is it necessary for an individual to have been a department head.

CHECE Canadian Leadership and Service Award

This award is given to individual(s) or department(s), from the Canadian region, with a sustained record of leadership and service to ECEDHA (primary) and to electrical and computer engineering (secondary). The institution of the individual recognized by this award need not be a member of ECEDHA at the time of the award, nor is it necessary for the candidate to have been a department head. Preference will be given to candidates who have made significant contributions to ECEDHA.

ECEDHA Innovative
Program Award

This award is given to individual(s) or department(s) that has (have) created, implemented, and sustained the implementation of a successful innovative program and possibly assisted in the implementation of that program at other institutions. A successful program is one that has stood the test of time (i.e., formal integration into a program of study) and has produced measurable improvements in the quality of the electrical and computer education received by a significant number of students at one or more institutions. The institution of the program recognized by this award need not be a member of ECEDHA at the time of the award.

ECEDHA Industry Award

This award is given to company(s) or individual(s) in companies in recognition of seminal contributions to engineering education - especially in the ECE disciplines - that go well beyond typical industry-university relations. The selection is based primarily on qualitative evaluation of the educational contributions as described on the nomination form to recognize and encourage effective engagement in engineering education by industry representatives. The individual's company or company recognized by this award need not be a sponsor of ECEDHA at the time of the award.

ECE Technology Integration Award

This award is created to foster tight integration of the technology and pedagogy into the curriculum. This award is given to lab directors, other individual(s) or department(s) that has (have) created, implemented, and sustained a successful program that demonstrates innovative and effective usage of technology to improve electrical and computer engineering education, received by a significant number of students at one or more institutions.  A successful program is one that has stood the test of time (i.e., formal integration into a program of study) and has significant impact in student experience/learning, and student recruitment/retention.  The institution of the program recognized by this award need not be a member of ECEDHA at the time of the award.

Awards Administered by IEEE-HKN

Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding Student Award
Nominations due June 30

C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award

Distinguished Service Award
Nominations due Monday following April 30 of each year

Eminent Member Recognition

Outstanding Chapter Award
Nominations due September 30

Outstanding Teaching Award
Nominations due Monday following April 30 of each year

Outstanding Young Professional Award
Nominations due Monday following April 30 of each year

Vladimir Karapetoff Outstanding Technical Achievement Award
Nominations due Monday following April 30 of each year

For more information on the IEEE-HKN Awards click here.