Community Working Group (ECEDHA-C)

The ECEDHA Community Working Group's mission is to investigate the formation of an organization that will create a research and education vision for ECE departments, and act as a liaison between research leaders and policy makers.

Over the past two years, ECEDHA has launched a new initiative on bringing the research community together around big breakthroughs in ECE research but also aligning the ECE community with major national priorities and industrial trends. In this capacity, the ECEDHA-C (C for Community) working group has been talking to the NSF for the past two years in order to create an organization that is analogous to the Computing Community Consortium (CCC). The CCC, established in 2006, has been getting the computing community together and meeting with policy makers in Washington (funding agencies, government organizations, and science and technology policy makers) in order to promote not only fundamental discoveries in the broader field of computing, but also to align with national priorities. Some major successes of their efforts have resulted in the National Robotics Initiative (NRI), the NSF Cyber-physical systems (CPS), and the Big Data funding at NSF. Such initiatives have impact not only in academic research but have shaped corporate strategy towards AI, IoT, and Big Data.


George Pappas

University of Pennsylvania


Dan Stancil

North Carolina State University

To become involved in the Community Working Group (ECEDHA-C), contact:
ECEDHA Membership Director