Working Groups

ECEDHA Working Groups

ECEDHA has led national discussions to foster a collective voice in the areas of Branding, Communicators, Community, Curriculum, Diversity, Lab Professionals, MakerSpaces, Robotics, and Leadership/New Chair Training to serve as a resource for ECE departments and industry decision makers nationwide.

Dedicated Working Groups in these subject matters deliberate on future challenges led and supported by ECE departments. This effort will have an enormous impact not only across ECE departments, but will have significant economic impact for steering the intellectual capital of ECE departments towards 21st century grand challenges for the nation.

To become involved in an ECEDHA Working Group,

please contact the ECEDHA team




ECEDHA Working Groups are staged to create the following:

  • Visioning workshops on specific national priorities that assemble scientific leaders to develop white papers and roadmaps

  • Leadership and training programs for ECE researchers and educators, designed to facilitate a diverse workforce

  • An online repository, website, event listing, and online community

  • Collaboration with relevant organizations (e.g. NSF and CCC) in order to develop interdisciplinary and interagency roadmaps

  • A broader public understanding of ECE research and its impact

Research and education in ECE has had a profound impact on the economy, creating entirely new industry sectors, thousands of global companies, and hundreds of millions of jobs. ECEDHA's Corporate Partners will play a key role in shaping the research conversation, workshops, white papers, and outreach to government partners.


>> View Branding Working Group
Ensures that prospective students, those who influence prospective students, and the general public have an accurate understanding of the contributions of electrical and computer engineering to society and the exciting opportunities provided by a career in electrical and computer engineering.


>> View Communicators Working Group
Strengthens and supports the network of PR/Communications professionals within the field of ECE by providing an opportunity Communicators from ECEDHA member institutions to explore the ECE branding toolkit and implementation strategies, as well as valuable networking time with peers.


>> View Community Working Group
Investigates the formation of an organization that will create a research and education vision for ECE departments, and act as a liaison between research leaders and policy makers.


>> View Curriculum Working Group
Creates opportunities for educators to learn hands-on topics, approaches to curriculum design, and to collaborate with other ECE department heads on the challenges and future of curriculum in ECE.


>> View Diversity Working Group
Supports a diverse and inclusive environment in the field of ECE and encourages participation of women and underrepresented minorities.



>> View T.I.M.E.E. Working Group
Works T.I.M.E.E. is a vibrant collective of educators passionate about advancing cutting-edge technology education, fostering innovation, and empowering the next generation of engineers. Whether you are guiding students in cutting edge labs, mentoring capstone projects, or bringing creativity to the maker space, this community is designed for you. 


>> View MakerSpaces Working Group
Promotes an understanding of the benefits that Making and MakerSpaces bring to the ECE community, facilitates conversations on how Making can support the ECE brand, and creates a robust network of ECE Making supporters including administrators, chairs, industry representatives, staff, and students.


>> View Robotics Working Group
Builds a community of like-minded ECE educators and professionals and inspires the next generation of robotics leaders by developing a passion for careers in robotics.