Awards Committee

ECEDHA currently presents four annual awards, the Robert M. Janowiak Outstanding Leadership and Service Award, the Innovative Program Award, the Diversity Award, and the Industry award.

The Awards Committee is responsible for administering these four awards and any additional awards ECEDHA may create. The committee's tasks include soliciting nominees, reviewing applications, and selecting award winners. Committee members are drawn from all of the geographic regions and represent a cross-section of ECEDHA department classifications.

To become involved in the ECEDHA Awards Committee,

please contact the ECEDHA Membership Director



Committee Chair

Jean-Francois Boland

Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Jonathan Bredow

University of Texas at Arlington

Ashfaq Khokhar

Iowa State University

Michael Devetsikiotis

University of New Mexico

Mike Johnson

University of Kentucky

Barbara Marino

Loyola Marymount University

Osamah Rawashedeh

Oakland University

Kumar Yelamarthi

Central Michigan University

John Janowiak