

ECE Corporate Advisory Council Member


YC Wang
Director, Global Academic Program
Digi-Key Electronics Corporation



Digi-Key's Commitment to Universities

Digi-Key supports academia by providing technology and information to students and faculty in a learning environment. By providing over 650 suppliers to the electronic design community, Digi-Key helps aid in teaching technology to students becoming engineers.



Corporate Profile

As one of the world's fastest growing distributors of electronic components, Digi-Key Corporation has earned its reputation as an industry leader through its total commitment to service and performance. Digi-Key is a full-service provider of both prototype/design and production quantities of electronic components, offering more than 2.8 million products from over 650 quality namebrand manufacturers. A testament to Digi-Key's unparalleled commitment to service, North American design engineers have ranked Digi-Key #1 for Overall Performance.

Digi-Key's Academic Program builds on many of the company's core strengths in the electronic component marketplace by customizing solutions specifically for the college and university audience.