Teaching in our Virtual World

July 20, 2020 at 1:00pm ET

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The world is facing an extraordinary crisis in the form of COVID-19. We hope you agree the current focus is to continue FPGA learnings through virtual platforms. Joined by Professor Luo, UMASS Lowell Electrical Engineering and Tyler Sheaves, a UC Davis PhD program Intel student intern, this session covers a range of topics utilizing Intel FPGAs that assist digital electronics training in our virtual teaching world.


The 4 key items: 

1. Curriculum materials for digital electronics using FPGAs coursework overview.

a. Sign up to participate in our Academic Program for free hardware and license donations.   

2. Setting up a virtual/remote lab using Intel FPGA Development boards.  

a. Sign-up for the free Intel FPGA Devcloud.

b. Setting up your own remote lab.

3. Example of current virtual/remote lab teaching experience: Teaching and research of heterogeneous computing with the Intel FPGA Development Cloud

Attendees of the webinar will benefit in the following ways:

  • Learn about the open source FPGA related educational materials to teaching undergrad and graduate classes
  • Learn how to sign up for hardware donations and free licensing and FPGA cloud access
  • Learn how to partner with Intel FPGA Academic Program to setup virtual/remote labs to support teaching
  • Hear about the successful process of virtualizing teaching


Larry Landis

Sr. Manager 

Intel PSG Academic Program

Tyler Sheaves

Intel Student Intern 

UCDavis PhD Program

Professor Luo

Heterogenous Compute Course Teacher 

UMASS Lowell Electrical Engineering

Dr. Yan Luo is a Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. His research interest spans broadly computer architecture and network systems, and his current research focuses on heterogeneous architecture and systems, software defined networking and deep learning. At UMass Lowell, Prof. Luo teaches senior undergraduate and graduate level courses such as microprocessors, embedded systems and heterogeneous computing.