RECET: Remote ECE Teaching

Platform Manufacturers

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Platform Manufacturer Content

Author(s): Doug Mercer
Hardware: ADALM1000 (M1K), ADALM2000 (M2K), ADALM-Pluto (SDR), ADALP2000 (Parts Kit)

ADI University Engineering Program Home Page
Analog Devices is as passionate about educating the next generation of young circuit design engineers as it is about pioneering the next technological breakthroughs. The University Program is a platform where Analog Devices, working with leading educational institutions has created and deployed hands on learning tools for the next generation of design engineers.

The laboratory activities provided on the ADI wiki are considered open source and available for free use in non-commercial educational and academic settings. The only requirement is that they continue to retain the attribution to Analog Devices Inc. Supplying them on the ADI wiki allows registered users to contribute to the materials posted there, improving the content and keeping them up to date.




Author(s)/Contact: Greg Landry, Holger Wech
Hardware: PSoC 5LP-based CY8CKIT-059 programmed as a CyScope

Project ScopeFree
Support Materials: Create a two-channel oscilloscope and 100 KHz waveform generator for under $20.00. The PSoC 5LP-based CY8CKIT-059 is a Programmable System on Chip featuring programmable digital, configurable analog, and a Cortex 3 MCU all on a single chip. The CyScope project is completely open-source and can be found on Github. When programmed as a CyScope, this kit becomes a 100 KHz waveform generator and a dual-channel oscilloscope. It is currently being used as part of the take-home test equipment and in projects at Arizona State University in EGR 304 "Embedded Systems Design Project", at MIT in 6.115 "Microcomputer Project Laboratory", and is under evaluation for use at several other universities in the USA and EU. The kit is re-programmable so it has a multitude of uses in digital, analog, and MCU-based courses and projects.



Hardware: Analog Discovery 2

Lab: How to make basic measurements
From the Digilent Website:

Using the Oscilloscope
Using the Waveform Generator
Using the Power Supplies
Using the Voltmeter
Using the Data Logger
Using the Logic Analyzer
Using the Pattern Generator
Using the Static I/O
Using the Spectrum Analyzer



Author(s): Crt Valentincic, Zavod 404
Hardware: STEMlab 125-10

Welcome to Red Pitaya's teaching material database. Within the teaching materials, some theory, diverse project ideas, exercise samples, and more are presented. Through providing these materials we want to support student goals, professor efficiency, and skill-based learning within educational organizations. Red Pitaya can be used in the following subjects: Circuits and electronics, Measurement in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, FPGA / Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Digital signal processing, Telecommunications, Optics and Photonics.


The e-book consists of 10 lessons and they cover the basics of circuits and electronics.

Download the Red Ptiaya Knowledge Base eBook