iREDEFINE Workshop
The iREDEFINE workshop capitalizes on the unique environment provided by the ECEDHA conference to create a mechanism to motivate and prepare women and underrepresented minority (URM) students PhD students for pursuing faculty positions in US Universities. The unique opportunity arises due to the high concentration of ECE department chairs attending the event, most of whom are investing great efforts in increasing the diversity of their faculty.
The workshop format will balance the effective aspects of the previous three years with feedback received from the participants. In particular, ECE PhD students will have significantly more opportunities to interact with department chairs to learn about their programs, potential faculty positions, and expectations of new faculty. The iREDEFINE Fellows will also have the opportunity to present their research projects and participate in dedicated programming including sessions on negotiation strategies, writing successful proposals, effective teaching methods, and navigating the academic job search including CV review and mock interviews. The iREDEFINE workshop will prepare women and URM PhD students for rewarding academic careers and provide them with a professional network of peers and mentors.
iREDEFINE Workshop Schedule of Events
Saturday, March 26
7:30 am - 5:00 pm |
Registration |
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm |
Chair Track (Mental Health of Students) -- Optional |
4:30 pm - 5:45 pm |
Opening Remarks & Getting to Know Each Other
Students will be welcomed by the workshop organizer and given information about their schedule and expectations. They will introduce themselves to each other and participate in an icebreaker activity. The goal of this session is for the students to start making lasting connections with each other.
6:15 pm - 8:15 pm |
Evening Reception & Poster Session with ECE Department Heads and Chairs
Students will network with department heads and chairs. In advance of the session, they will be asked to prepare an “elevator speech” to introduce themselves to others at the reception. Feedback on the “elevator speech” will be part of the icebreaker activity in the above opening session.
Sunday, March 27
7:30 am - 5:00 pm |
Registration |
7:30 am - 8:00 am |
Breakfast |
8:00 am - 10:45 am |
Negotiation Workshop
Speaker: Jenna Carpenter, Dean and Professor, School of Engineering, Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC
Negotiation is a key everyday skill in academia (not just for reserved for job interviews and buying cars and houses!). Research shows that if you are hesitant to engage in negotiation, it can result in lower salaries, fewer promotions and less influence at work. The workshop “Negotiation Skills: Strategies for Success” will focus on research-based strategies and improving negotiation skills, such as becoming aware of the issues, learning about the negotiation process and practicing negotiation. The workshop will also talk about strategies for continuing to build negotiation skills after the conclusion of the workshop.
11:00 am –12:15 pm |
Institutional Diversity Panel
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Seattle University
Department chairs will give an inside look at ECE Departments in diverse types of institutions. The panelists will discuss the expectations and experience of being a faculty member in teaching-oriented colleges, masters-granting universities, Research I and II institutions, as well as small and large universities.
12:15 pm –12:30 pm |
Networking Break |
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm |
Keynote: Pam Cosman - Gender Effects in Faculty Recruitment: Speaker Introductions and Use of Rubrics
A faculty candidate’s research presentation (“job talk”) is a crucial part of a faculty job interview in engineering, and it begins with an introduction of the speaker. We transcribed the speaker introductions from 175 videotapes of faculty job talks in engineering departments at two universities. We studied the frequency of irrelevant remarks and positive remarks for men and women candidates, as well as the specific mention of research awards, compared against the occurrence of research awards in candidate CVs. We found that the candidate’s gender significantly affects several aspects of the speaker introduction, with introducers less likely to mention research awards and make positive remarks for women candidates, and more likely to mention irrelevancies in the introductions. This talk will also briefly discuss a related study on the use of written evaluation tools (rubrics) in faculty hiring. The talk will include suggestions for department chairs and search committees.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
Student Poster Session Luncheon
Students will display research posters and discuss their scholarly accomplishments and career plans with department heads and chairs.
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm |
Break |
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm |
Faculty Panel
Moderator: Barbara Marino, Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University
The panelists will give advice to the iREDEFINE students on how to navigate the challenges of their first years as faculty in order to establish a successful career. They will talk about finding mentors; balancing teaching, research, service, and personal life; navigating departmental culture; advising graduate students; combating imposter syndrome; and responding to microaggressions and implicit bias.
The objective of this session is for the participants to understand two key components of effective teaching: having clear learning objectives and employing active learning. Specifically, participants will: (1) be able to define Learning Objectives and explain why they are important, and (2) define active learning, explain why it is important, and describe ways to implement it that range from simple to sophisticated. The session will conclude with a list of advanced resources, but will primarily emphasize practical methods on which beginning teachers can or should focus their efforts in order to get a good start on a lifelong, effective, teaching career.
John Booske
University of Wisconsin, Madison
4:00 pm – 6:30 pm |
Mock Interviews
The goal of this two-hour long session is to demystify the academic interview process and increase the iREDEFINE Fellows’ confidence in their ability to be successful in their academic job search. ECE department heads will be available for one-on-one mock interviews, asking students typical academic interview questions. The interviewers will give the iREDEFINE students immediate feedback on how they handled the question.
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm |
ECExpo Reception
The ECEDHA conference includes ECExpo which is an exposition of laboratory equipment, project ideas and components, textbooks, and other latest tools for engineering education. It is a great opportunity for iREDEFINE students to initiate their contact with industry which will be an important aspect of their work as faculty members. In addition, by learning more about lab equipment used in ECE courses, iREDEFINE students will be more attractive to their prospective institutions.
Monday, March 28
7:30 am - 5:00 pm |
Registration |
8:00 am - 9:00 am |
Chair Track: ECE Curriculum Soapbox - Provocative Ideas on the Future of ECE Education
If you have strong opinions on future directions in the learning experiences ECE programs offer to our students, you should attend and contribute to a dialog on challenges presented by colleagues from ECEDHA member departments. We would like to hear from everyone interested in making some big, not incremental, changes in how we help our students navigate the challenging pathway to becoming a successful electrical and/or computer engineer. There was a preview of the session held as part of the ECEDHA Summit on 8 February. If you were not able to attend, a recording of the session is available on demand on the ECEDHA website. If you would like to do more than just attend the session, and you have ideas for the future of ECE education or even just questions or comments on present strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats, you can prepare a short (5 minutes) Soapbox Video to share with the ECEDHA community. All videos submitted will be available on the ECEDHA website. If you want to do more than attend but prefer not to prepare a video, you can share your thoughts with Ken Connor ( who will make sure they are included in the dialogue.
9:00 am - 9:15 am |
Networking Break |
9:15 am - 10:15 am |
Closing Remarks and Next Steps |