ECE Student Program

ECE students are encouraged to attend the ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECExpo for our dedicated student programs.


The iREDEFINE Workshop is an intensive two-day workshop designed to prepare graduate women and underrepresented minority students for the pursuit faculty positions in US Universities. The iREDEFINE project, "Improving the Diversity of Faculty in Electrical and Computer Engineering," is supported by a generous grant from the National Science Foundation and is designed for PhD students who are women or under-represented minorities, up to two years away from the completion of the PhDs, who possess an interest in an academic career (faculty or postdoc).



iREDEFINE Schedule of Events

Download the full iREDEFINE Schedule of events here

Download the Presentation Slides Here

Saturday, March 23

1:15pm - 1:30pm      Opening Remarks (iREDEFINE Programming) - Room: White Dove

1:30pm - 2:15pm      Multidisciplinary Design Plenary Panel (ECEDHA Programming) - Turquoise Room

2:15pm - 3:00pm      Robotics Plenary Panel (ECEDHA Programming) - Turquoise Room

3:00pm - 3:30pm      Networking Break (ECEDHA Programming) - Turquoise Room

3:30pm - 4:15pm      Panel: Different Types of Schools (iREDEFINE Programming) - White Dove Room

4:15pm - 5:45pm      Funding - What Makes a successful Proposal (iREDEFINE Programming) - White Dove Room

6:30pm - 8:30pm      Evening Reception and iREDEFINE Poster Session (ECEDHA Programming) - White Dove Room

Sunday, March 24

7:30am - 5:00pm         Registration Open

8:00am - 8:30am         Breakfast (with ECE Department Heads) - 

9:00am - 11:45am       Negotiation Skills: Strategies for Success (iREDEFINE Programming)

11:45am - 12:00pm     Break

12:00pm - 1:30pm      Lunch and Poster Sessions (iREDEFINE Programming)

1:30pm - 3:30pm        CV Review and Mock Interviews (iREDEFINE Programming) 

3:30pm - 4:30pm        Effective Teaching Methods (iREDEFINE Programming) 

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm     Panel: "Tips and Tricks for Your First Years as Faculty Member

5:30pm - 6:00pm        Q&A: Panel with iREDEFINE Committee Members (iREDEFINE Programming) 

6:00pm - 8:00pm        ECExpo Reception (With ECE Department Heads)


Monday, March 25 (Optional)

7:30am - 5:00pm        Registration Open 

8:00am - 8:45am        Keynote (ECEDHA Programming)

8:45am - 9:45am        Break and Check-Out 

9:45am - 10:30am      ECExpo Networking Break (ECEDHA Programming)

10:30am - 12:00pm    Plenary Panel: Renewable Energy (ECEDHA Programming) 



Saturday Session Information

Opening remarks (1:15 pm - 1:30 pm) 


 Agnieszka Miguel
 Associate Professor and Chair
 Seattle University

Agnieszka Miguel received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 2001 from the University of Washington, and MSEE and BSEE from Florida Atlantic University in 1996 and 1994. Dr. Miguel's professional interests involve image processing, machine learning, and engineering education especially active learning, diversity, retention, and recruitment. Her teaching interests include MATLAB, circuits, linear systems, and digital image processing. She is a member of the IEEE, ASEE, SWE, and Tau Beta Pi.

Currently, Dr. Miguel is the Chair of the ASEE Professional Interest Council I, a position that gives her a seat on the ASEE Board of Directors. She is also the ASEE Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section Chair (2015 - 2017). Dr. Miguel has held several other officer positions across the ASEE including: Division Chair and Program Chair of the ECE and New Engineering Educators Divisions, and ASEE Campus Representative. Dr. Miguel is also a member-at-large of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) Board of Directors. She has been a member of the ECEDHA Annual Conference Program Committee since 2013 and is serving on the Editorial Board for the ECEDHA Source monthly newsletter.


 Multidisciplinary Design Plenary Panel (ECEDHA Programming) - 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Organizer: Dennis Peters, Department Head, Memorial University of Newfoundland

This plenary panel is part of the ECEDHA conference. We are inviting the iREDEFINE scholars to attend it because of the importance of teaching students how to work on multidisciplinary projects and as an extra opportunity for the students to network with department heads. The panel description is listed below.

A formal process was developed to allow students from the SDSU mechanical and electrical engineering programs to work together on multidisciplinary capstone projects. This process has alleviated many of the management challenges experienced on previous multidisciplinary attempts, and the associated projects tend to produce better results than their single-disciplinary counterparts. Students from both programs attend the same course taught by one instructor; this has alleviated most assessment concerns and ensured that both sets of students clearly understand project expectations.
Eligible projects typically originate from an industry sponsor, students volunteer for the project with the understanding that it will require a multidisciplinary team, and the course instructor selects the final team. This ensures that the project teams consist of motivated students who are well matched to the requirements of the projects.
Students on these projects face challenges not typically experienced by their counterparts. Scheduling conflicts often arise between students’ groups due to the nature of the different programs. Communication between team members from different technical backgrounds often occur. Task management becomes more complex as the number of team members increase. However, students typically overcome these challenges and recognize the educational benefit of experiencing them.

 Robotics Plenary Panel (ECEDHA Programming) - 2:15pm - 3:00pm
Organizer: Magnus Egerstedt, Steve W. Chaddick School Chair and Professor, Georgia Tech

This plenary panel is part of the ECEDHA conference. We are inviting the iREDEFINE scholars to attend it because of the importance of robotics in ECE and as an extra opportunity for them to network with department heads. The panel description is listed below.

They’re in our homes, our factories, and on our roads. We send them into the furthest reaches of space and into the tiniest vessels of the human body, but what role should ECE as a discipline play in this process? Join us for a panel that focuses on the opportunities and challenges of structuring curricula that embrace the multidisciplinary aspects of robotics while focusing on the unique contributions of electrical and computer engineering. We will discuss the changing landscape of robotics and how different disciplines such as AI, computer science, mechanical engineering, public policy, psychology, and even philosophy play a role in robotics education.

 Networking Break (ECEDHA Programming) - 3:00pm - 3:30pm
During the networking break, iREDEFINE scholars with have the opportunity for one-on-one conversations with department heads. The students will be expected to summarize their research area and career aspirations and ask questions about the represented departments. 

 Panel: Different Types of Schools (iREDEFINE Programming) - 3:30pm - 4:15pm
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

• Barbara Marino, Director of Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Program, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA (HIS)
• Michel Reece, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD (HBU)
• Radha Poovendran, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
The panelists will discuss the expectations and experiences of being a faculty member at different types of organizations such as HBCUs, HSIs, teaching-oriented institutions, masters-granting institutions, Research II and I, and small and large universities.

 Funding - What Makes a successful Proposal (iREDEFINE Programming) - 4:15pm - 5:00pm
Speaker: Faculty member who has been successful in obtaining funding or an NSF Program Director.

The session will be split between a presentation on best practices and time for Q&A.

 Evening Reception and iREDEFINE Poster Sessions (ECEDHA Programming) - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
During this reception, iREDEFINE scholars will be displaying their research accomplishments as posters. They will also be expected to give a 3-minute overview of their work and discuss their future career plans. The reception also offers an opportunity for the iREDEFINE scholars to continue their networking with department heads and industry representatives.

Sunday Session Information

 Registration Open - 7:30am - 5pm

 Breakfast (with ECE Department Heads) - 8:00am - 8:30am
This is an additional opportunity for the iREDEFINE students to meet department heads, this time over breakfast.

 Negotiation Skills: Strategies for Success (iREDEFINE Programming) - 9:00am - 11:45am
Speaker: Jenna Carpenter, Dean and Professor, School of Engineering, Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC

Negotiation is a key everyday skill in academia (not just for reserved for job interviews and buying cars and houses!). Research shows that if you are hesitant to engage in negotiation, it can result in lower salaries, fewer promotions and less influence at work. The workshop “Negotiation Skills: Strategies for Success” will focus on research-based strategies and improving negotiation skills, such as becoming aware of the issues, learning about the negotiation process and practicing negotiation. The workshop will also talk about strategies for continuing to build negotiation skills after the conclusion of the workshop.


 Lunch and Poster Sessions (iREDEFINE Programming) - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

This is a second research poster session of the workshop.


 CV Review and Mock Interviews (iREDEFINE Programming) - 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

The goal of this two-hour long session is to help the iREDEFINE scholars in creating competitive CVs, to demystify the academic interview process, and increase the students’ confidence in their ability to be successful in their academic job search. ECE department heads will be available for one-on-one conversations about students’ CVs. Students will be encouraged to meet with 2-3 department heads to receive a comprehensive feedback on their CVs. Department heads will also be asking students typical academic interview questions. The iREDEFINE committee will prepare these questions in advance and distribute to both students and department heads. The interviewers will give the iREDEFINE scholars an immediate feedback on how they handled the question.

Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

Participating Department Heads:
• John Booske, Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 
• Michael T. Johnson, Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
• Tony Maciejewski, Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
• Radha Poovendran, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
• Miguel Velez-Reyes, Professor and Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at El Paso 
• We are actively soliciting participation from other department heads.


 Effective Teaching Methods (iREDEFINE Programming) - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Speaker: John Booske, Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

The objective of this session is for the participants to understand two key components of effective teaching: having clear learning objectives and employing active learning. Specifically, participants will: (1) be able to define Learning Objectives and explain why they are important, and (2) define active learning, explain why it is important, and describe ways to implement it that range from simple to sophisticated. The session will conclude with a list of advanced resources, but will primarily emphasize practical methods on which beginning teachers can or should focus their efforts in order to get a good start on a lifelong, effective, teaching career.


 Panel: The Perspective of Junior Diversity Faculty in an ECE Department (iREDEFINE Programming) - 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

• Shiny Abraham, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seattle University, WA

During this panel, the iREDEFINE scholars will meet junior ECE faculty from local institutions who belong to groups typically underrepresented in engineering in academia. The panelists will have a frank conversation about their experience as faculty members and advice to the students on how to navigate the challenges of their first years as academics in order to establish a successful career.


 Q&A: Panel with iREDEFINE Committee Members (iREDEFINE Programming) - 5:30pm - 6:00pm
Moderator: Agnieszka Miguel, Associate Professor and Chair, Seattle University, Seattle, WA

• John Booske, Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 
• Tony Maciejewski, Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

During this session, the workshop participants will have a chance to ask follow up questions about any of the workshop sessions or about any other topic related to academic careers.


 ECExpo Reception (With ECE Department Heads) - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
The ECEDHA conference includes ECExpo which is an exposition of laboratory equipment, project ideas and components, textbooks, and other latest tools for engineering education. It is a great opportunity for iREDEFINE students to initiate their contact with industry which will be an important aspect of their work as faculty members.


Monday Session Information

 Keynote (ECEDHA Programming) - 8:00am - 8:45am
Speaker: Laura McGill, Air Warfare Systems, Raytheon

The iREDEFINE students are invited to attend this talk.

 ECExpo Networking Break (ECEDHA Programming) - 9:45am - 10:30am
This is another chance for the workshop participants to visit with industry representatives and experience pedagogical tools and equipment that they may want to use in their future courses.

 Plenary Panel: Renewable Energy (ECEDHA Programming) - 10:30am - 12:00pm
Organizer: Stephen Goodnick, Professor, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Renewable energy is rapidly expanding in its penetration into the energy grid due to continued reductions in the price of renewable energy technologies as well as increasing interest by consumers in clean energy sources. In the western United States in particular, an increasing number of states are adopting aggressive renewable energy portfolio standards, with many states considering policies requiring 50% or more of the total electrical energy to come from renewable sources in the next decade. This swiftly changing energy landscape poses many challenges as well as opportunities in terms of managing this transition, and the technologies, policies, and future workforce needed in the future to maintain a resilient energy network. This panel session brings together leading experts from the utility and solar industries, as well as government and university to present their views on the future of renewable energy and how to prepare for it.

Thank you to our 2019 Sponsors